5 Must To Try Beauty Tips

There are a lot of things that I have learned about taking good care of my skin. When I was working in a spa I came across women with different kind of skin problems. So I thought I should share some of those skin care tips with you girls today.


Wash Your Face Twice In A Day

Normally you must wash your face in the morning and before bed. But if you are just going to wash once, sleep time is best. Every time you do wash, you ought to wash once to get all the surface dust/oil/grime/cosmetics off, and after that suds up a second time to clean more profound into the skin.


For Great Results Use The Products In Correct Order

Personally I use a skin care kit called the Vivite. This kit includes a night cream, a day serum and a night eye cream. I also use toner, this goes first because they have small molecule that can penetrate deep in the skin. If you apply the thinner products in the end and apply thicker products first it won’t be good as the thinner products won’t be able to penetrate deep. Before I worked in the Spa I used to wash my face in the shower and then apply some lotion. But once I started using proper products in correct order I saw a huge difference.

To Contour Your Face Use Bronzer

Use a medium round brush and apply the bronzer around your cheekbones, swipe it around your neck and along your hairline and just below the eyes. Since the time I started doing this trick I never wanted to do anything else. And on a serious note, now when I see anyone in a cakey one color makeup, I get a strong urge to help those people! Lol.

Drink A Lot Of Water

This is not something new, we have been told several times to drink lots of water and there are good health reasons for it. Drinking water helps keeping your body free from toxins, which leads to clearer skin in the end. I tried really hard to drink at least eight glasses of water, but somehow I couldn’t manage more than 4-5 glasses but that is also good for me. Apart from water I can’t live without COFFEE, so the only change I have made to it is I add brown sugar in it.


Apply Mascara Straight

OK I had no idea about this tip until I read a post by Jo-Lynne. You should apply your mascara straight rather than vertical. The first time I tried it I ended up smearing it all over my eyelids but on the third try, it was perfect and looked less clump and more natural.

Author Bio:

Lesley Brown works at CustomStitchers as a style and fashion editor you will find her written pieces on fashion, health and beauty. In her free time she is probably sleeping, talking or even sometimes stalking. These days mostly she communicating with peoples through her content about tailored shirts.

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